Sad news forom Doctors – Sylvester Stallone

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In the action-packed era of the ’90s, Sylvester Stallone emerged as Hollywood’s beloved action hero, captivating audiences with his cigar-smoking, mayhem-inducing protagonist roles. Notably seen in films like The Expendables, where he effortlessly fought off antagonists while enjoying a cigar, Stallone’s on-screen affinity for stogies extended into his personal life.

Even off-screen, Stallone occasionally indulges in his love for cigars. However, when his close friend, Arnold Schwarzenegger, underwent open-heart surgery in 2018 due to aortic stenosis, concerns about health arose. Addressing the media’s inquiries, Stallone assured everyone that Schwarzenegger would come back stronger. Lightening the mood, Stallone humorously acknowledged their shared interest in cigars.

Responding to a question about giving up cigars in light of Schwarzenegger’s surgery, Stallone remarked, “Some things you just can’t give up.” Drawing a parallel between cigars and respiration, he quipped about the inseparability of “stogies and breathing.” When asked if Schwarzenegger would quit smoking, Stallone’s response was a succinct, “Doubt it!” Despite the health concerns, the camaraderie between these two action legends remained, with cigars continuing to be a shared passion.

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